Caring for 4c hair isn't always a walk in the park. There is a ton of moisture, detangling and lots of love and care involved but the results of well nourished and taken care of hair are always worth it. If you have been struggling with taking care of you or your childs…
It's time to start getting the little ones ready to head back to school. Whether school is held in the classroom or virtually, these tips will help keep your mini-me entertained while keeping her hair moisturized and protected. 1.Grab the tablet I know, I know you may be trying to get them away from electronics,…
Have you heard of facial rollers? Rose quartz and Jade facial rollers are becoming extremely popular in the skincare world and for good reason. Facial rollers are said to help balance skin, alleviate redness, and give skin a more rejuvenated look. Here is everything you need to know about facial rollers. Facial rollers work to…
Swimming with natural hair can be a task all on its own. If you've been hitting the pool a lot or plan on vacationing this summer, it's best to have a plan when it comes to your natural hair and chlorine. Coat the hair with conditioner Before jumping in, apply conditioner to your hair to…
One thing I rarely did growing up was clean my hair brushes. My brushes were literally filled with gel, hair and gunk before I would finally get up the nerve to clean them. As a child I didn't realize the importance of keeping my hair brushes clean or that unclean brushes were filled with…
What is more refreshing than a nice summer smoothie? Summer smoothies are refreshing, healthy and a nice cool treat for the summer. Here's how to make it! Ingredients 1 frozen banana 3 strawberries 1 tablespoon of unsweetened toasted coconut 1 teaspoon of honey 1/2 cup of milk alternative (almond, cashew, hemp) Blend until smooth and…
Unfortunately acne doesn't end at 18 for everyone. Many people suffer with adult acne, which can be devastating. The occasional pimple is enough to ruin a makeup look, date night, or interview. If you have tried over the counter medicine, visited a dermatologist multiple times to no avail, and tried every acne face wash…
Summer’s finally here and that means more time outside in the sun catching rays, but while you’re out having fun remember to use sunscreen. Harmful sun rays can be most dangerous during the hours of 10am to 2 pm so if you can't avoid the sun during these times, be sure that you are applying…
Wash 'N Go's are ideal for a quick cleanse without having to spend too much time worrying about your hair. If you want to simply wash your hair and go, we have many natural hair solutions that will help you achieve beautiful, moisturized and defined curls. These low maintenance techniques will keep your curly…
College can be as scary as it is exciting. You're making all new friends, living on your own for the first time and juggling a demanding school schedule while trying to maintain a social life! The last thing you want to worry about while keeping up your GPA is keeping up with your natural…
Wash n' go's are perfect for summer. Wash n' go's are low maintenance, easy, quick and fun! Wash n' go's can be achieved by simply washing and conditioning, or co-washing the hair, adding your favorite leave in conditioner, and hitting the door. Tgin's Twist and Define Cream, Curl Bomb Moisturizing Styling Gel, as well as Butter…
When I first did the big chop 10 years ago I had no idea how to style my natural hair. There weren't nearly as many natural hair products or even natural gurus out there to guide me and lets not even talk about the lack of natural hair pictures that popped up on google or…