What exactly is it?
PrEP is a preventative drug new to the market that helps reduce the risk of HIV negative people from becoming HIV positive.
The drug works to prevent the HIV virus from infecting the body. PrEP is not a contraceptive and it does not protect individuals against any other sexually transmitted infections or pregnancy.
How does it work?
PrEP aids in HIV prevention. When HIV-negative individuals take this anti-HIV medication it reduces  their risk of becoming infected by the virus. The medications work to prevent HIV from establishing infection inside the body.
What if I am already HIV positive?
PrEP can be used by any individual who is sexually active as well as individuals who inject drugs.
PrEP has reduced the risk of HIV infection through bisexual and gay men, transgender women,  heterosexual men and women, and also people who inject drugs.
How effective is it?
According to data analysis from the iPrEx study that found PrEP to be effective:
There is not enough data available to provide specific timing guidance on non-daily use, so the FDA recommends PrEP be used daily to achieve the highest level of protection.
For more information on PrEP visit www.men.prepfacts.org/the-basics